Sunday, November 06, 2005

Wandering and wondering

Listening to the thunder of a storm outside right now, it's hard to believe we had such a beautiful day today.

It was sunny and just a bit on the warm side of crisp. The fairyland setting of the woods was filled with more colors of yellow than I ever knew existed! Tina urged me out for a woodland wander. It isn't full of new things springing up every day as it is in the spring, but it is lovely in a fall sort of way. The leaves fell in cascades and the wind was just strong enough to make an amazing swooshing sound through the trees.

At one time, I didn't like fall because it meant winter was on the way. Now, I have learned to enjoy the season, whatever it is and love each one for what it has to offer.

It was a nice break in the day. We're trying to make up for lost time, getting the shop and products ready to go. A couple of families stopped in to tag their Christmas trees on this balmy fall day. Last year, I believe it was so warm on this weekend that we had taggers out in shorts!

I made shower sprays and packed oils. Tina made soap stones, I printed labels and made a display for her books. Tina wrapped soaps for an order which Bob and I will deliver tomorrow.

In between, we were busy watching the escapades of a fellow on a forum we frequent. It never ceases to amaze me how some people on the internet believe they can bull their way into a group and attempt to take over. Oddly, it seems if it is a man on a forum mostly populated by women, he is given respect and consideration in the face of arrogance, condescension and downright insult. A woman would never be afforded this courtesy. I guess women just expect more of each other and yet often we trust each other less. I wonder why that is...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi there,

    After reading your article i just thought it may be of some interest to you to know that i managed to get a batch of plain labels for a really low price from a british labels company. If you are at all interest then it may be worth taking a look at their website to see if you could save some money buying your labels.
